Crypto is the anomaly in the system, the Neo in the matrix. It exists as the remainder of the universally corrupt economic equation that all of us face. KOJI allows us to work outside of that system, to give back where needed, to give our community something valuable, and to give everyone a symbol of hope in a darkening world.NodezyLead Developer
Contract & where to buy
Please note that this page refers to our “old ETH” original distribution of Tokens, but distribution on the BSC side was through a 1:1 airdrop to all holders the new contract picked up where to old one left. We will update this page with a full overview of our current tax system, meanwhile please check our dApp, the KOJI Dashboard for current and up-to-date token stats.
When we started forming the idea for, one thing was very clear: We wanted a project that was majority distributed to the community. We did not want whale insiders buying up all the presale tokens, or do a stealth launch to friends only. We thought that by doing a good deed with the Tosa airdrop after so many in that community lost their investment, it would help us get started on the path of being good stewards of other people’s money.
Check out the quick overview of the token distribution and tax model on this page, or take a deep-dive in the KOJI Tokenomics in the article to the rightbelow by our lead developer Nodezy.
Initial & current Total Supply
The total initial supply of KOJI tokens at launch was 1 Trillion (1,000,000,000,000) and no more will ever be minted as the contract doesn’t allow for it. Our new BSC smart contract is live and can be viewed here.

Token Distribution
What makes $KOJI different from most other crypto projects is that over 80% of the tokens have been distributed via vested airdrop, presale, public sale, or added to liquidity on Uniswap or other exchanges.