Fri. 10th Dec. 2021
Project updates

KOJI Token Swap Information & Update
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Hello KOJI holders and community, here is a a quick update on the token swap!
We have disabled buying of the v1 KOJI via pancake/flooz until the token swap is ready. This is for the following purposes:
1) People who dumped all their KOJI v1 after the exploit WILL NOT be able to receive their...
Wed. 1st Dec. 2021
Project updates

Statement regarding: dividend distribution vulnerability in our contract
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We just wanted to take a moment and provide everyone with an update on the withdrawals/reinvesting issue.
At approximately midnight EST last night, an attacker found a vulnerability in our dividend distribution contract. He used a proxy contract to buy 50 BNB worth of KOJI and sell it in the...
Tue. 30th Nov. 2021
Project updates

2nd batch of 25B KOJI have now been burned!
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2nd batch of 25B KOJI has now been burned to a current market value of ~$45,000
25,000,000,000 KOJI have been "burned", which means permanently removed from circulation. Tx is below:
Wed. 24th Nov. 2021
Project updates

While you are waiting: KOJI Team makes big investment into BSC NFT Game
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Making the first professionally written and illustrated NFT comic book takes time. It’s really not as simple as "hey, art team, draw this" and they nail it the first time out.
There is a ton of back and forth, creative differences between the crypto team and the art team, revisions, post...
Thu. 18th Nov. 2021
Project updates

25B KOJI burned & extra dividends equivalent of 100BNB buy distributed
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As a little thanks to you to each and every one of our holders, we deposited the equivalent redistribution for 100 BNB worth of transactions into the distributor, that went straight back to you all!
A total of 22.6 BNB has been sent to our holders so far since Monday launch!
9 BNB have...
Mon. 15th Nov. 2021
Project updates

It’s Time! KOJI re-launching on Pancake Swap mon. 15th Nov 20:00 UTC
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It’s what you’ve been waiting for! KOJI will list on Pancake Swap on Monday 15th November at 20:00 UTC!
With a new Smart Contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network, Improved Tokenomics with BNB rewards for holding, upcoming KOJI rewards for staking and BNB rewards for holding KOJI...