The Holiday KOJI Giveaway Competition + Discount Tokens & Dynamic Discounts
What & When
From Tuesday 21st December to Sunday 26th December is the Holiday KOJI Giveaway Competition where we will match the winners transactions KOJI buy 1:1. We’ve also enabled our dynamic TAX discount system giving a 0.1% tax discount per 0.1 BNB buy and additional discounts if you hold KOJI and/or FEG!
To enter the competition all you need to do is make a KOJI buy and at the end of the competition we will select the winning transactions randomly.
How does the tax discount work?
Discount Token 1 will be $FEG (BSC), min hold is 6B (~$25) and will give you a tax discount of 1%.
Discount Token 2 will be $KOJI v2, min hold is 25M (~$25) and will also give a discount of 1%. In addition our dynamic discount will be enabled at 0.1% tax discount per 0.1 BNB buy. These discounts stacks up together and is capped at a max 3.5% discount.
- Example 1: Don’t hold either KOJI or FEG, buy 0.5 BNB, get a 0.5% tax discount
- Example 2: Hold either FEG or KOJI above threshold, buy 0.5 BNB, get a 1.5% tax discount
- Example 3: Hold both FEG and KOJI above threshold, buy 0.5 BNB, get a 2.5% tax discount
- Example 4: Hold either FEG or KOJI above threshold, buy 5 BNB, get a 3.5% tax discount
Prizes below will be the KOJI equivalent of the winning transaction, at the end of the competition
KOJI gold prize:
1 random winner of a >= 1 BNB transaction (capped at 2 BNB KOJI equivalent or transaction amount, whichever is lower)
KOJI silver prize:
2 random winners of transaction >= 0.5 BNB & < 1 BNB
KOJI bronze prize:
2 random winners of transaction < .5 BNB