New features of KOJI v2 Contract! KOJI v1 brought new features: BNB distribution, dApp function, etc… now in v2, we have 2 new additions:
Partner Tokens & Dynamic Discounts
Partner Token, we can choose any other BSC token and if you hold a certain amount of that token, it gives you a tax discount. For example: We add FEG Token & set discount at 2%, then when you buy KOJI as a FEG holder (with min FEG holding), you get taxed at 5% instead of 7%
The Dynamic TAX Discount, when this is enabled, you can get a tiered discount level based on your buy amount. For example: Dynamic discount is set to be 0.1% per 0.1 BNB. If you make a 1 BNB buy then you get 1% discount
Both discount features can be enabled at the same time
Both discount features share the same global discount cap, so if we set that to be 4%, then the combination of both above discounts will cap out at 4%..
We developed a price oracle to validate pricing data off-chain and determine accurate discount amounts. This oracle will also be used for our upcoming KOJI Staking system!
Donate to Charity using your dividends or directly from your wallet in BNB!
Now there are 3 ways to claim Dividends: Withdraw in BNB, Reinvest into KOJI V2 & donate to charity (as before you can transact these in 25% increments)
Donate to charity feature will deposit that amount directly in the KOJI charity wallet, which is listed in the dApp site along with the balance. We also added a feature to donate BNB directly from your wallet!
Note that our charity wallet will NEVER be used for any marketing, admin or any other expenses, but only for charity purposes.