We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.
– Alan TuringComputing, Machinery and Intelligence; 1950
The Turing Trust supports schools in sub-Saharan Africa by reusing computers to set up computer labs, teacher training & software. The Turing Trust was set up in honour of Alan Turing, by his family and seeks to continue his legacy by using technology to empower disadvantaged communities.
Charity: The Turing Trust
Website: https://turingtrust.co.uk
Donated amount: 3.75ETH / $13,400
Donation receipt: https://etherscan.io/address/0x488bBEbaCF315871e4DDFF0B0e31347E04aBaD7B
Fun Fact: With this donation, KOJI Team has donated a total of $50,000 USD!
Project Details & Impact
KOJI & Turing Trust will execute a project, spanning 1 year, that will:
- Provide 120 computers to 6 malawian schools, helping 2150 students
- Pay to train 12 teachers in enhanced IT skills
- Install educational software & provide an offline accessible e-library
- Pay for maintenance of each computer
- Promote gender equality and get more girls using IT
- Offset of 30 tones of carbon by reusing 120 computers (equivalent energy savings created to power 8 UK homes for 1 year)
- Monitor progress and give student feedback
A huge thank you to the KOJI team and all the supporters who have made this donation possible. It will go on to transform the digital learning experiences of thousands of students. Thank you!”
– James TuringCEO, Turing Foundation
Remember, YOU as a KOJI investor made this happen, please go spread the word, toghether we can make a difference!