Thanks to all our patient community, the KOJI v2 Token Swap is now ready!
We would like to extend a thanks to all our KOJI holders for your patience during this slightly bump in our road. We’ve been hard at work and the new contract is now ready, the dividends distributor vulnerability have been fixed and some slightly upgrades within, more on that in a later announcement.
And we can now also offer a easy and streamlined way for your to swap your “old” KOJI (v1) to the new KOJI v2.
How to Swap
- Go to swap.koji.earth
- Connect your wallet
- Withdraw any pending dividends in BNB
- Click “Approve v1 KOJI” = this transaction will transact your v1 KOJI out
- Click “Swap KOJI v1 to KOJI v2” = this transaction will deposit 1:1 v2 KOJI to you + any bonuses if applicable
- You’re done! (Top tip: you can use the BNB dividends to buy more v2 KOJI)
All diamond handed holders that did not sell before the swap will get an additional 1% KOJI bonus in v2 KOJI. Any pending divs that were paid out in BNB, will also have the equivalent v2 KOJI paid out too! (E.g. if you had 0.1 BNB in divs, you will get 0.1 BNB + 0.1 BNB worth of bonus v2 KOJI)
Important: above bonus will ONLY be available two weeks after swap goes live! Remember to swap before 27th December to claim the bonus.
Note that the swap from v1 to v2 will always be open, no expiry. The two weeks is only for the additional bonuses of 1% + BNB dividend bonus. After two weeks, any leftover Unclaimed BNB will be put back to the dividend distributor and given to holders! The dev team is exempt from these bonuses, and are doing this as a thank you to our community.
V2 launch on Pancakeswap
- 50% liquidity of v1 KOJI unlocks 15th December (210 BNB)
- V1 tokens received from the swap will be used to sell into the liquidity pool and extract BNB
- All will be used to provide starting liquidity for V2 KOJI
- Any remaining v1 liquidity is unlocked in 5 months and will then be moved to V2
Summery: Total V2 KOJI received = v1 KOJI swapped @ 1:1 ratio + 1% KOJI Bonus + BNB dividend bonus in KOJI + pending v1 BNB dividends