So here we are, over 9 months since last official update, almost launch ready and staring the Bull in the Eyes!
So, yet another what have we been up to right, yep! But not going to bore you with the long detailed version and just let some before & after sneak previews of the comic speak for themselves. (For a little longer and more in-deph look, check out this and this update.)
But a short TDLTR: What started with us replacing Koji throughout the Comic, lead to a chain of events that now have resulted in us completely re-worked the whole comic, all characters, all pages, all panels, and even added a page.
Why you might ask…well, lets have the before and after’s explain that too, but to sum it up: after all this work, all this time, releasing what we got delivered was not just an option!
KOJI COMIC: Before & After Sneak Peaks
Going to leave them here as is, cut and cropped pages with dialoged and speech bubbles removed just to give you guys and idea of the amount of work done. But if you’re interested in some context and lore around these jump in our Telegram and check out the pinned messages. (Use the slider to reveal and compare the old vs. new)

Current Project Status
All TIER2’s are done and prepped for the NFTs and we’re currently re-animating for the TIER1s, but are already done with the cover and 9 first pages.
So as far as ready-to be-released NFTs we are good to go. As the planned release schedule of Cover + Page 1 & 2 the first week, followed by one page a week would give us enough time to keep up with animations as-we-go and still release on schedule.
Meanwhile Nodezy is back in the staking contracts and dApp to make the V2 ready for comic release!
Aaaaand also….
Introducing KOJI: Space Wars
While Andreas been neckdeep in the revision of the Comic Nodezy have diverted from Solidity Dev to full-fledge Game Dev, and we are proud to introduce the first KOJI Mini Game, KOJI: Space Wars. The “secret project” mentioned in earlier updates.
A stupidly addictive retro 16-bit style arcade shooter where you fight waves of enemies, upgrade your ship, fight bosses and see if you have what it takes to survive the Battle of Antilea. Integrated into our dApp and the KOJI Ecosystem, mint your Game Pass, climb the leadboards and compete for exclusive NFTs and regular Price Pools.
Currently in beta testing by the community in our Telegram, and full game will be released sometime after we start dropping the Comic pages.
SO WEN LAUNCH? We’re really close to being release ready, and market seams ready so we are fairly certain we can say: SOON-ISH ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
…meanwhile, jump in our TG and say Hi and participate in the Game Beta Test, there is $500 worth of KOJI up for grabs for the top placements on the lead boards!