Since our public sale on May 19th has been rescheduled for June 1st, it gave the team additional time to get the airdrop and vesting contracts completed and rolled out.
While we didn’t want to postpone our public sale, we were facing a 30% correction on the morning of the sale, along with the highest gas prices that we’ve ever witnessed on the Ethereum network, in some instances $800 — $1200 per transaction! We even had to pay $600 just to finalize our sale contract, and in the delay it took to process, 3 people were able to send a tx for our public sale at $500 per tx! (those transactions ultimately failed and we refunded the lost gas cost to those individuals).
All in all it was a crazy day and we are looking forward to our launch on June 1st at 1500 UTC, we hope you will join us! Please visit publicsale.koji.earth for the countdown and sale information.
We wanted to update everyone on the vesting and airdrop situation as well.
The Airdrop
If you aren’t aware of why we did an airdrop, please see the previous article about the KOJI airdrop to TOSA holders to understand the context. Initially, we were going to vest the entire airdrop amount to all airdrop recipients for 6 months. However, we were faced with a dilemma…at an average of $38 per tx per address to vest the tokens, we had around 98 addresses below 500M KOJI to vest. This came in at just under $3800 to vest all these amounts, and in some cases the amounts were so small that the gas to withdraw them would possibly be worth more than the actual KOJI being received.
This wouldn’t exactly be “charitable” for the people we were trying to help, nor prudent to spend that much money to do so. Thusly, we decided that only amounts over 500M would be vested, and that vesting time period would be reduced to 30 days (since this was only 34 addresses). Any amounts under 500M were sent out via mutlisender to those recipients. Below is the result of how the airdrop breaks down:
For amounts over 500M, airdrop vesting contract:
Amounts vested: 500M KOJI or more
Total KOJI vested from airdrop: 30 Billion KOJI
Time period: 30 days
Taxes: None on deposit to contract; 3% on withdraw
Receives holder rewards: Yes
Website to withdraw: https://airdrop.koji.earth
For amounts less than 500M, multisender.app transaction:
Total KOJI unvested from airdrop: 13.5 Billion KOJI
Taxes: None on transfer; 3% on sell
We hope that our gesture of the airdrop, the commitment to keeping our word, the work it took to sort all of this out and delivering what we promised will show the community that we mean business. We also hope to those that receive the airdrop, vested or unvested, will be buyers in our public sale and long term holders of our token and will continue to support the project.
Team vesting
For our team vesting, the tokenomics have changed slightly. Our internal core team has changed a bit, with two of our early advisors leaving the project. Their vested tokens were then redistributed to the remaining team members. The vesting period remains the same at 6 months.
Team vesting contracts:
Amounts vested: Any amount over 1 Billion KOJI
Total KOJI vested for team: 73 Billion KOJI
Time period: 180 days
Taxes: None on deposit to contract; none on withdraw
Receives holder rewards: Yes
Treasury vesting
For our treasury vesting, everything remains the same as outlined in our tokenomics, the only difference being we are not using team.finance to vest the tokens, but using our own contract.
Treasury vesting contract:
Amount vested: 88 Billion
Cliff period: 5 days
Time period: 90 days
Taxes: None on deposit to contract; none on withdraw
Receives holder rewards: No
As treasury tokens are unlocked, we will use these funds for marketing, exchange listings, and in some cases potentially adding liquidity or doing promotional token burns. It all depends on the KOJI economy at the time. We will never dump team tokens, and will only use them to support the token economy and community of KOJI.
If you have any questions about the airdrop or vesting mechanics, please drop us a line in our telegram channel.
KOJI is the token of the people. It is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital token, designed to unite the earth population by helping those in need
This article is a re-post and was originally published on our medium